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Amazon Can Suspend You For Just About Anything – And Here Are Some Of Those Things – EP118

Amazon is a platform that is constantly evolving.  What may have been within terms of service last month, might get you suspended this month.  In this episode I speak to Cynthia Stine, and she shares nightmarish stories on the countless suspensions she has worked on and how those sellers got to that point.

In this episode, we talk and discuss the following topics and questions:

  • Who is Cynthia Stine?
  • What are the most recent changes at Amazon that affect sellers?
  • What are some of the new features of Brand Registry 2.0?
  • What are differences between the old and new Brand Registry on Amazon?
  • What are some recent changes in Amazon when it comes to keywords indexing?
  • How can I avoid getting suspended by Amazon due to email follow-ups?
  • How does Amazon catch sellers who are sending emails asking for reviews?
  • Will Amazon still suspend me if I have already stopped a long time ago sending emails asking for reviews?
  • How should I handle automatic campaigns and promotions to avoid getting suspended by Amazon?
  • Can I include a video or document link to the follow-up email I send to buyers?
  • Can I get suspended if I add texts on my product images?
  • What are some recent black hat contents that get many sellers suspended?
  • Does using outside influence get my Amazon seller account suspended?
  • What are some common violations on the Amazon code of conduct?
  • How can I benefit from subscribing to Amazon suspension insurance services?
  • How important is it to pass the Amazon verification?
  • What is verification reinstatement?

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Listen to Episode 114: Your Life Partner Is Your Best Business Partner. Interview with Colin & Angie Raja